
Enhanced Sales Cycle Tool

Sales Cycle Progress

Toggle steps to see their impact on the sales process

10 out of 10 steps active

Market Research

Analyze market trends, identify target industries, and understand buyer personas.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Lead Identification

Use tools like Apollo, ZoomInfo, or LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find potential leads.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Lead Qualification

Assess leads using BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) or similar frameworks.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Initial Outreach

Craft personalized messages and ensure high email deliverability.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Needs Assessment

Conduct discovery calls to understand the prospect's pain points and goals.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Proposal Presentation

Create and present a tailored solution based on the needs assessment.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency


Address objections, discuss pricing, and find mutually beneficial terms.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Closing the Deal

Secure agreement and handle any final objections or concerns.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Customer Onboarding

Ensure a smooth transition from prospect to customer with a clear onboarding process.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Follow-up and Expansion

Maintain the relationship, gather feedback, and identify upsell opportunities.

Step active: Improving sales process efficiency

Sales Funnel Conversion Simulator

Adjust the slider to see how conversion rates affect your sales funnel

Conversion Rate: 10%

100 leads
75 leads
50 leads
25 leads
10 leads

Starting with 1000 leads

Estimated Closed Deals: 1

Expert Sales Tips

Advice from industry-leading sales professionals