
SaaS Business Model and Metrics

David Skok

  • serial entrepreneur turned VC

In this presentation, David Skok explores the critical metrics and business model aspects of successful SaaS companies. He covers key topics including the importance of metrics, the SaaS funnel, unit economics, negative churn, and strategies for sustainable growth.

Why Metrics Matter

"If you can't measure it, you cannot improve it." - Lord Kelvin
  • Metrics help improve your SaaS business
  • They align your team around important goals
  • SaaS businesses are highly sensitive to small changes in key variables

Key Objective:

Build a repeatable, scalable, and profitable growth machine

The Rule of 40

Valuation is based on a combination of growth rate and profitability.

The Rule of 40: Growth Rate % + Profit % should equal 40% or more

Net New ARR

Bookings are measured by Net New ARR, which consists of:


  • New Customer ARR
  • Expansion ARR


  • Churned ARR

Key Takeaway:

Track these components monthly to understand your business growth

Simplifying SaaS: The Funnel Model

Closed Deals
Retention & Expansion

Funnel Math:

Bookings = Number of Leads × Conversion Rate × Average Deal Size

Focus on lead flow and conversion rate in the early days. Deal size optimization comes later.

Conversion Rate Tracking

Track conversion rates over time to improve your funnel efficiency:

Pro Tip:

Use cohort analysis to accurately calculate conversion rates over time (e.g., 3-5 months)

Sales Productivity Formula

Key Formula:

Bookings = Number of Salespeople × Productivity per Rep (PPR)

Number of Salespeople

  • Hire on time
  • Develop in-house recruiting skills

Productivity per Rep (PPR)

  • Quality of hires
  • Effective onboarding and training

Types of Churn

Customer Churn

Percentage of customers lost

Dollar Churn

Percentage of revenue lost

Churn Simulator

Customer 1 ($1000)
Customer 2 ($5000)

Customer Churn: 0.00%

Dollar Churn: 0.00%

Negative Churn

When expansion revenue exceeds lost revenue from churned customers

HubSpot's Journey to Expansion Revenue

HubSpot initially faced challenges with expansion revenue due to their pricing model:

  • Started with one product at a single price point ($6,000 per year)
  • No way to generate expansion revenue from existing customers

Key Lesson:

To achieve expansion revenue, introduce variable pricing axes:

  • Different editions of the product
  • Charging based on number of users
  • Pricing based on usage metrics (e.g., number of leads stored)

Understanding Negative Churn

Negative churn occurs when expansion revenue from existing customers exceeds the revenue lost from churned customers.

Negative Churn Impact Simulator

Impact of Negative Churn:

After 40 months, a company with -2.5% churn could have 400K ARR, compared to only 150K ARR with 2.5% positive churn.


CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

Cost to acquire a new customer

LTV (Lifetime Value)

Total value a customer brings over their lifetime

Key Guideline:

LTV should be at least 3 times CAC

LTV/CAC Calculator

LTV/CAC Ratio: 3.33

Healthy ratio!

The SaaS Cash Flow Trough

SaaS businesses often experience negative cash flow in the early stages due to upfront customer acquisition costs.

Pro Tip: Upfront Annual Payments

Collecting cash upfront through annual payments can significantly improve your cash flow position.

Test Your Knowledge

Question 1

What is the Rule of 40 in SaaS?

Understanding Customer Behavior Over Time

Cohort analysis helps you understand how different groups of customers behave over time.

Customer Retention by Cohort

Key Insight:

Identify patterns in customer retention and usage to improve your product and reduce churn.

Growing Revenue from Existing Customers

Expansion revenue is crucial for achieving negative churn and sustainable growth.

Expansion Revenue Simulator

Net Revenue: $1050.00

Net Growth Rate: 5.00%

Negative Churn Achieved!

Strategies for Expansion Revenue:

  • Upselling to higher-tier plans
  • Cross-selling additional products or features
  • Usage-based pricing models
  • Seat-based expansion for team products

Measuring Sales Efficiency

The SaaS Magic Number helps you understand how efficiently you're growing your revenue.

SaaS Magic Number Calculator

Magic Number: 2.00

Efficient growth!


  • < 0.5: Inefficient growth, reconsider sales & marketing spend
  • 0.5 - 1: Good efficiency, room for improvement
  • > 1: Highly efficient, consider increasing investment

Optimizing Strategy for Different Customer Groups

Segmenting customers helps you tailor your product, marketing, and support efforts.

Customer Segmentation by ARR

Key Takeaways

Metrics Matter

Regularly track and analyze key SaaS metrics to drive growth and profitability.

Focus on Unit Economics

Understand and optimize your CAC, LTV, and other unit economics to ensure long-term success.

Embrace Negative Churn

Strive for expansion revenue that exceeds lost revenue from churned customers.

Optimize Your Funnel

Continuously improve each stage of your SaaS funnel to drive growth and efficiency.


Building a successful SaaS business requires a deep understanding of your metrics and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Next Steps

  • Implement a comprehensive SaaS metrics dashboard
  • Conduct a thorough analysis of your unit economics
  • Develop strategies for increasing expansion revenue
  • Optimize your customer acquisition and onboarding processes
  • Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy